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Phoenix Worship Community Strategic Planning
The Community Worldwide Vision Initiative

Making a Difference by Becoming The Difference

At the core foundation of our community roots, the Word of the Living God and its instructions are what fuel our vision drive, and motivation.

The human mind may devise many plans, BUT IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE LORD THAT WILL BE ESTABLISHED.

 Proverbs 19:21 

The Purpose of the Lord will be established in Phoenix Worship Community by being :

1). Prioritized

     2). Implemented

3). Activated

 By the Power, the Guidance, and the Leadership of the Holy Spirit Movement's call to:




Jesus said to him, 'Away with you, Satan! for it is written, " WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, and serve Him only."

( Matthew 4:10 )

- What a beautiful day it is, to worship the Lord Thy God, to come into His presence, with thanksgivings. -

Worshiping our Heavenly Father in Spirit and in Truth are the Words and Instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ and our community focus is that the Holy Spirit will guide us to live in the Spirit by obeying the Truth in our life so that we may become " the kind of worshipers the Father seeks". 



Recognizing the Power of Prayer, and living a Life of Prayer is a must, and it is a central focus of everything we do, as individuals, as families, and as a united community by being prayers intercessors and believers that will reach out to our surrounding in prayers and supplication for all. 


They devoted themselves to the apostle's teaching and FELLOWSHIP, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

( Acts 2:42)

As a community grounded and rooted in the Word of God it is imperative as believers and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, to apply in our lives and our works the following:

1) Gather the people.

2) Tell the stories and Testify.

3) Break the Bread.

4) Welcome the stranger.

PW Fellowship
PW Children Ministry


The spiritual growth and the teachings of children, youth, and young adults in the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that they may grow up trusting and following Him, are the focus and one of the highest priorities that Phoenix Worship Community is bringing forward as an outreach tool by establishing a Christian Educational Program dedicated to reach and teach all those in need for a continuing understanding and knowledge of the Word of God from a young age.



PW Pastoral Care


In order to reflect God's love for us, we must show others genuine loving care and support for all within our community and for all others that are surrounding us, that the Light that God entrusted us with, will reach out and touch others, that they also may be touch and encapsulated by the Love of God. Strengthening relationships with one another within our community and together providing support by reaching out to others is also a priority and it is a must that we want to be called and defined by, organizing regular


events for new members and their families, develop a strategy for following up with newcomers and encourage participation in our corporate worship services and volunteering programs.  


Phoenix Worship Community's outreach programs and approach will allow us as a community to reverse the outreach word, to the REACH OUT word, thus our focus, purpose, and work, will be a priority for not what is happening within the four walls of a building, and this it is also very important, but what it is happening outside of the four walls of a building, and outside of an established meeting time for a couple of hours on a Sunday. We are called to make a difference within our own lives and in the lives of all those who come in contact with us and surround us daily, by reflecting the love of God, the rays of hope for humanity. 

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